Journalist Ashfaq Hussain Sial shot dead in Muzaffargarh

Journalist Ashfaq Hussain Sial shot dead in Muzaffargarh

Muzaffargarh: A local journalist  Ashfaq Hussain Sial was shot dead by armed motorcycle riders near Thermal Bypass in Muzaffargarh on Wednesday.
According to details two unknown motorbike riders  intercepted  journalist Ashfaq Hussain Sial near Thermal Bypass and one shot three pistol rounds at him  and sped away from the scene.
Ashfaq Hussain Sial was rushed to DHQ Hospital with serious bullet wounds where he succumbed to his injuries.His body was shifted to mortuary for autopsy.
Ashfaq Hussain was associated with national newspaper Daily Khabrain. City police Station Muzaffargarh have registered a murder case against both unknown armed riders and started the investigations.
The motive behind Sial ’s killing remains unclear, but his brother Muhammad Ishaq Sial said that his elder brother had been killed due to his profession of journalism and other reasons.
Local journalist bodies expressed deep grief and sorrow over the brutal killing of the prominent journalist. They demanded of the police to arrest murderers forthwith without any delay
Meanwhile President RMNP Ehsan Ahmed Sehar said, “we strongly condemn the killing of  yet another journalist Ashfaq Hussain Sial and demand the Chief Minister of Punjab and Inspector General Police Punjab to immediately arrest the killers and give compensation to the family of the slain journalist Ashfaq Hussain Sial.

Source: RMNP

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