Jam Saqi paid tribute on second death anniversary

HYDERABAD: Hari leaders and rights activists have paid rich tributes to comrade Jam Saqi for his struggle for the rights of peasants and downtrodden people.

Addressing the second death anniversary of Saqi at Sindh Museum here on Thursday organised by Jam Saqi Yadgar Committee, they said comrade Saqi devoted his life to challenge dictators.

Writer and academic Dr Riaz Shaikh said Jam Saqi was a man of commitment and he was the product of the era when people used to talk about revolutions. He said he met Jam Saqi first in 1987. Karl Marx had witnessed different conditions but today the situation had drastically changed at the international level and a new narrative and debate would have to be introduced to continue the struggle, he said.

He said it was time to discuss how fascism was introduced in the country after exploitative system. He said that due to the pressure of international forces, characters of fascism were controlled, but whenever this pressure was eased, those would raise their head.

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