Two media persons shot dead in Lahore and Kasur in same day

Lahore+Kasur(RMNP) Two media persons were shot dead in two different inncidents which occurSlain Media Worker Amir Shakeeled in Lahore and Kasur on Wednesday (17th May,2017) According to details a staffer of daily Nawa-i-Waqt was shot and killed by unidentified gunmen at his Dera in Manawan police limits on Wednesday afternoon. The body was shifted to the morgue for autopsy.
The deceased was identified by police as 35-year-old Amir Shakeel, a designer at Nawa-i-Waqt and resident of Eden Society. Police investigators said they believe the victim was killed in a gun-attack over old enmity or personal grudge.
Amir was standing outside his Dera, located near Manawan police station, when two motorcyclists appeared there. The gunmen opened straight fire on him and fled instantly on their motorcycle. The victim was rushed to a hospital but died in the way. The police were investigating the shooting with no arrest made yet.
The other incident took place in Kasur an adjacent district of Lahore where robbers shot dead a journalist and injured two others near a level crossing on Deepalpur Road on Wednesday.
Abdul Razzaq, an ARY TV channel reporter for Chunian, along with Muqadar Hussain and Ghulam Hussain (reporters of the channel for Pattoki), were on their way to Kasur from Chunian when two robbers stopped their car and tried to snatch cash and mobile phones.
Razzaq and his colleagues were said to have resisted as a result of which one of the robbers opened fire. Razzaq died on the spot while Muqadar and Ghulam Hussain suffered injuries and were taken to the DHQ Hospital.
Mean while The journalist community expressed grave concerns over the killing of a private news channel’s reporter in a robbery, saying that the government’s dillydallying in action against robbers have given rise to such incidents with mediamen.
This was crux of speeches made by office-bearers of different media organisations during a meeting at Kasur Press Club (KPC) here on Thursday.
The participants vehemently condemned brutal killing of the reporter, Mian Abdur Razzaq, who was shot dead in a robbery attempt near Depalpur Road Railway Crossing in Khuddian Khas.
KPC president Haji Sharif Mehr expressed his grief over the incident and urged the police to arrest the culprits as soon as possible. KPC general secretary Tariq Mehmood said that had the police punish culprits of the early such incidents, such killings would not have been happened. He flayed the police failure to maintain law and order in the district, saying if the police high-ups are unable to perform their duty, they have no right to serve on the posts.
Earlier, funeral of the slain journalist was offered in Pattoki. The KPC president, general secretary, chairman Ashraf Wahla, UC chairmen – Mehr Latif and Abdus Sattar attended the funeral. They also prayed for rest of the departed soul in eternal peace. It is to be noted that the KPC president was also attacked in Kot Radha Kishan about 40 days ago but he managed to escape the bullets fired on him by dacoits

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