President RMNP Ehsan Ahmed Sehar pays rich tribute to Late Murray Burt

President Rural Media Network Pakistan (RMNP) Ehsan Ahmed Sehar has expressed his deep grief and sorrow on the sad demise of Mr Murray Burt, Past President Commonwealth Journalists Association in Winnipeg, Canada.
In a statement, he said I was introduced with Murray Burt in October 2008 on the eve of CJA 8th International Conference held in Sarawak, Malaysia. Meetings at Sarawak converted into personal friendship which lasted till his death. Murray always considered me one of his constant & close friends. We regularly talk on the telephone at least twice in a month.
Murray supported Rural Media Network Pakistan (RMNP) and played a key role in the approval of “Basic Journalism Training Project” in 2010 by the Commonwealth Journalists Association. He also managed modest funds from CJA for the publication of the upgraded “Basic Journalism Training Manual” in 2012.
Murray Burt also got in touch with the Canadian High Commission at Islamabad from Winnipeg and tried his utmost to get the approval of the “Women Journalists Training Project in 2011”.
Paying rich tributes to Late Murray Burt, President RMNP said that Murray had a passion about Human Rights,press freedom, good governance and a passion for the profession of journalism. No matter what he attempted, he tried to make things better in the Commonwealth countries.
Murray sent me his book” Ladies from Hell” with his letter in 2010 , Ehsan said.
Similarly Murray regularly sent his message to RMNP and Daily Nawa-I-AhmedpurSharqia on the eve of” World Press Freedom Day” every year on 3rd May. Even this year on 3rd May,2024,Murray sent his WPFD message from hospital which reflects his commitment towards press freedom, he added.
Murray Burt was a pillar of the commonwealth Journalists Association who always guided me with his matchless 65 years’ experience in journalism. I can’t forget his written contributions, advice and guidelines till the last breath of my life. He always spoke the truth during our 16 years long friendship.
Mr Ehsan offered his sincerest condolences to Betsy Burt for the loss of her cherished husband Murray Burt lived a life full of love and greatly missed.
Source: RMNP