The Rural Media Network Pakistan (RMNP) has invited nominations for its annual Sadiq Press Freedom Award 2014.
The award, instituted by RMNP with support of WORLD ASSOCIATION OF NEWSPAPERS AND NEWS PUBLISHERS carries a cash award of, (PKR 60,000). The award will be announced on September 10 2014.Earlier in 2011 WAN-IFRA had sponsored RMNP Sadiq Press Freedom Award with net cash of PKR 1,25,000 and was given to Islamabad based Pakistan first female video journalist Sadia Haideri whose husband Azizullah Hideri was gunned down in 2001 along with three western colleagues in Afhanistan.
The Sadiq Press Freedom Award is intended to honour a person, organisation or institution that has made a notable contribution to the defence and/or promotion of press freedom in Pakistan.
The award is named in honour of the late Nawab Sir Sadiq Muhammad Khan Khamis Abbasi , the last ruler of former Princely Bahawalpur State, who had given right of adult franchise to the inhabitants of former Bahawalpur province in 1954 while other inhabitants of Pakistan were given their right in 1970.
Individuals as well as professional and non-governmental organisations working in the field of media and human rights are invited to nominate themselves or other candidates for the annual award.
The jury for the Sadiq Press Freedom Award will comprise six eminent journalists, academics and human rights experts. The members of the jury will be nominated by RMNP.
Judgment Criteria
Sadiq Press Freedom Award is given to recognize the courage and commitment of Pakistani journalists and media organizations. Another aspect of this award is to divert national and international attention toward the state of media freedom in Pakistan. In the long run, the award will promote a culture which is favorable for freedom of expression.
The name of a journalist who was killed or disabled only because he continued to expose corruption of government functionaries, influential personalities and politicians will come on the list for consideration.
These criteria will also cover a journalist who was killed or sustained injuries due to his fair reporting against extremists, and militants and never compromised professional commitment.
Priority will be given to those journalists who were killed or sustained injuries and have poor financial background and hail from remote areas of Pakistan
Nominations should be submitted by August 31, 2014 to
Ehsan Ahmed Sehar
The Coordinator
Sadiq Press Freedom Award
Rural Media Network Pakistan
246-C, Sattelite Town Block Z
AhmedpurEast, District Bahawalpur
Tel: (062) 22 73092 Fax: (061) 22 72560 Cell 0301 77 40 405 Email: