APNS condoles death of Arif Nizami

KARACHI: The APNS has expressed profound grief over the sad and sudden demise of its former president and veteran editor Arif Nizami.Sarmad Ali, President and Ms Nazafreen Saigol Lakhani, Secretary General, All Pakistan Newspapers Society, have stated that Arif Nizami, Chief Editor, Daily Pakistan Today and President CPNE, was a seasoned and prominent editor and publisher of Pakistan and had always stood for the freedom of press and expression.

He fought against all forms of curbs on freedom of press and remained amongst the vanguard against dictatorial policies to strangulate the independent media by various governments. The APNS office bearers stated that the services of Arif Nizami will always be remembered in the annals of national press and it will not be easy to fill the vacuum created by his demise. The APNS office bearers expressed their condolences to the grieving family and his colleagues in Pakistan Today and prayed that Allah may rest the departed soul in eternal peace.

Source: The News

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