92 News channel correspondent shot dead in Sarai Alamgir

Sarai Alamgir: Unknown assailants shot dead 92 News channel correspondent Mirza Waseem Baig at the entrance of his house at Puran village in Sara-I-Alamgir of district Gujrat,Punjab province on Friday night.
According to details ill fated Mirza Waseem Baig came out of his car at the entrance of the house when he was ambushed by two motorcyclists who sprayed six bullets at him. Police said the journalist suffered injuries and died in hospital. However, the attackers managed to escape. The police have started investigations. Mirza Waseem Baig is survived by a widow, and two daughters.
It has been learnt that that Baig was killed after covering the activities of a criminal gang specializing in extortion.“He did several reports against them on his Face Book pages.
Source: RMNP/Reportsmirza waseem Baig

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